Surveillance & Privacy in Digital Society, Faculty of Information, Bachelor of Information Program, University of Toronto, Winter 2023.
Information Behaviour, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, Fall 2022, Summer 2020.
Surveillance & Identity, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, Summer 2022, Summer 2021.
Research Methods, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, Winter 2022.
The Information Experience, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, Fall 2021.
Political Economy & Cultural Studies of Information, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, Winter 2021.
Teaching Assistant
The Future of the Book
Knowledge & Information in Society
Foundations of Library & Information ScienceInformation Systems Services & DesignWorkplace Integrated Learning
“Ethnography Kaleidoscope in Library and Information Science.” Discussion Panel with Jenna Hartel, Bharat Mehra, Jenaya Webb, Rebecca Noone, Hugh Samson, and Danielle Cooper.
CAIS 2022.
“Multimedia Approaches to Learning.” Paper presentation with Jenna Hartel and Elysia Guzik.
ALISE 2017, Atlanta, Georgia.
“What every body knows. The body in information behaviour and information practices.” Discussion panel with Andrew Cox, Jenna Hartel, Annemaree Lloyd, and Michael Olsson.
CoLIS 9, Uppsala University.
“Metatheory or methodology? Ethnography in Library and Information Science.” Paper presentation.
CoLIS 9, Uppsala University.
“Between a blink and a wink: How do information-related concepts shape ethnographic research?” Discussion Panel with Elysia Guzik and Eva Hourihan Jansen.
PhD Research Days, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto.
“Embodied, Positive Information Practices in Leisure.” Poster presentation.
ALISE, Boston, MA.
“Constructing Deafness: Language, culture, and communication technologies.” Poster presentation.
PhD Research Days, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto
“Holding up the Mirror: Reflections on Ethnography in LIS Research. Poster presentation with Elysia Guzik, Eva Hourihan Jansen, and Ben Walsh.
ALISE, Chicago, IL.
“iSquares Unpacked: Understanding Conceptions of Information Through iSquares.” Discussion panel with Sarah Lubelski, Christie Oh, Adam Pugen, and Heather Simmonds.
University of Toronto, Faculty of Information Student Conference.
“Making sense of Culture & Technology: How prescient & relevant is McLuhan today? The next generation’s point of view.” Discussion panel with Andrea Grassi, Jenna Jacobson, Adam Pugen, and Mark Sedore.
50th Anniversary of the Opening of the Centre for Culture & Technology, Coach House Institute, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto.
“Surveillance of Audience Labour using New Media: Three Innovations of Television Broadcast Networks.” Poster presentation.